Great River Eye Clinic
Great River Eye Clinic
Great River Eye Clinic
Dealing With Dry Eyes

Great River Eye Clinic offers TearLab technology to treat dry eyes.

Great River Eye Clinic Tear Lab Center

At Great River Eye Clinic, offering our patients advanced ophthalmic, optometric diagnostic techniques and treatment is something for which we continuously strive.

Dry eye is a condition in which a person doesn’t have enough quality tears to lubricate and nourish the eye. These tears are necessary for maintaining the health of the front surface of the eye and for providing for clear vision.

With each blink of the eyelids, tears spread across the front surface of the eye, known as the cornea. They provide lubrication, reduce the risk of eye infection, wash away foreign matter in the eye, and keep the surface of the eye smooth and clear.

One of our service lines includes the diagnosis and treatment of dry eye with the inclusion of the TearLab Osmolarity Test in our diagnostic analysis.

TearLab measures a small sample of the patient's tears to test for the level of dryness. Once determined, treatment is prescribed based on the results.

Excess tears in the eyes flow into small drainage ducts in the inner corners of the eyelids, which drain into the back of the nose.  Dry eyes can occur when tear production and drainage is not in balance.

Great River Eye Clinic is an Accredited Dry Eye Center. Our ophthalmic diagnostic techniques treat dry eye in ways never before available.



LipiFlow Thermal Pulsation System

Many commonly attribute their eye discomfort to dry eye, when a leading cause of the burning, scratching and redness is Meibomian Gland Dysfunction or MGD.

MGD occurs when there is a compromise to the function and/or structure of the Meibomian glands. These glands, located in the eyelids, produce the protective oily (lipid) layer of the tear film. This oil helps protect the surface of the eye from disease and prevents the watery part of the tears from evaporating when your eyes are open. Without these oils, the eyes become more susceptible to the negative effects that dry climates, air conditioning, computer use, reading and other daily activities can have on the long-term health of our eyes.
 MGD with LipiFlow









Treating MGD with LipiFlow®

LipiFlow® is a treatment performed in your doctor’s office designed to remove blockages from the Meibomian glands, allowing them to properly function and produce the oils that make up the top protective lipid layer of the tear film. LipiFlow® is supported by more than 30 patents with studies demonstrating its safe and effective results.1 It is designed to minimize patient discomfort during a 12-minute treatment that gently massages the eyelids.
LipiFlow® Activators are single-use sterile devices that safely and comfortably deliver a combination of heat to the inner lids and simultaneous therapeutic motion to the outer lids, removing blockages from the Meibomian glands.1 The Activators are contoured to avoid contact with the cornea, protecting the delicate structures of the eye.

Once the gland blockages are removed, the glands can resume normal oil or lipid production. This oil is essential for a healthy tear film, providing stable vision and ocular comfort. As normal gland function recovers, maximum results are usually experienced 6-8 weeks after treatment.


Stacy Sjoberg, M.D., Ph.D. Adam Ahlquist, MD Dr. Joseph Merck
Babe Winkelman LASIK at GREA
Brainerd Chamer - Stacey Sjoberg MD
Great River Eye Clinic Dr. Sjoberg Dr. Ahlquist Dr. Merck Dr. Sjoberg Dr. Ahlquist Dr. Merck Great River Eye Clinic